Ways of the Way
The Ways of the Way: Restoring the Jewish Roots of the Modern Church by Raymond Robert Fischer. 355 Pages
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The Ways of the Way
Restoring the Jewish Roots of the Modern Church
Raymond Robert Fischer
This book takes you on a journey back to the days of the Nazarene Jewish movement, known as The Way. You will learn:
* Why restoring the original theology, doctrine, worship practices, and structure of the early church will also restore the body of Christ to its former glory.
* What new archeological discoveries in Israel and ancient manuscripts stored in the Smithsonian are telling us about the roots of the faith and the Bible - and why scholars don't want you to know about it.
* How you can start or participate in a vital home church that follows the model set forth by the early Christians, who were taught by Jesus Himself.
Whether you are praying for a radical revival or simply seeking a change from the status quo of "church as usual", read this fascinating account of the early Jewish-Christian fathers and get ready for the outpouring of the Spirit.
Hard Cover
355 pages
Bob Fischer and his wife, Donna, have lived in Tiberias, Israel since they made Aliyah in 1992. Bob is a Messianic Jew; Donna is married into the covenant. Bob is a graduate of the University of Rochester, BA (1956) and Faith Seminary (MA, 1994, LHD, 2003). Bob is the author of three scholarly books: The Messianic Seal of the Jerusalem Church, The Children of God, Full Circle and an accredited DVD course, all of which are widely used as texts to teach the Jewish Roots of Christianity at seminary, bible college, church, and home levels. The Door Where it Began. is his first novel. As an adjunct professor, Bob periodically teaches a course on Jewish Original of Christianity at Faith Seminary.
Bob and Donna are greatly blessed with three daughters: Robin, Cindy and Julie. They have been even further blessed with four grandchildren: Michele, Paul, Daniel and Adam.