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Jerusalem Tallit Clip

Tallit Clip. Jerusalem. Silver Plated. 1.25 x 1.5 inches / 3 x 3.5 cm

Item # : JA003

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  • Color:Silver  Material:Silver Plated  Size:One Size   - In Stock

Jerusalem Tallit Clip

A silver plated Tallit Clip depicting David's Tower and Jerusalem city walls. When deep in prayer with your tallit this prayer shawl clip will easily hold it around your shoulders so you can focus on what is important.

Width - 1.25 Inches / 3 cm
Height - 1.5 Inches / 3.5 cm 

The Tallit, or Prayer Shawl, is the most recognizable sign of Jewish worship. It is worn at prayer, or a by a groom at his wedding. The origin of the Tallit lies in Numbers 15 calling for the attachment of fringes to the four-cornered garments, worn at Jesus' time, as a reminder of all the commandments of the Lord. Today for many observant Jews, the use of a woolen Tallit is most important. Seeing the Almighty as the shepherd taking care of sheep whom He loves, the man wrapping himself in the shawl is actually wrapping himself also in the love of G-d as he prays.

Jerusalem has been sacred to the Jews since King David proclaimed it his capital in the 10th century BCE. Jerusalem was the site of Solomon's Temple and the Second Temple. It is mentioned in the Bible 632 times. Today, the Western Wall, a remnant of the wall surrounding the Second Temple, is a Christian holy site second only to the Holy of Holies on the Temple Mount itself.

Christianity reveres Jerusalem not only for its Old Testament history but also for its significance in the life of Jesus. According to the New Testament, Jesus was brought to Jerusalem soon after his birth and later in his life cleansed the Second Temple. The site of Jesus' Last Supper, is located on Mount Zion and the Crucifixion took place a short distance from the Old City Walls.

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