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The Bible - Hebrew/English, Leather Cover

The Bible. Old Testament. Hebrew/English. Illustrated. Leather Cover.

Item # : BB007

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  • Cover:Brown Leather  Language:English and Hebrew   - In Stock

Old Testament Bible

Hebrew and English, side by side 

The Old Testament is also called the Jewish Bible. In Hebrew it is referred to as The Tanakh. The Hebrew content is written in the Masoretic Text which is universally regarded as the official version of the Tanakh.

The Tanakh is in three subdivisions:

Torah - "Teaching" (also known as the Five Books of Moses)
Nevi'im - "Prophets"
Ketuvim - "Writings

Beautifully designed leather cover with gold leaf edged pages. Includes cardboard holder.

Cover designe may very.
Pages: 1586

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