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Gold Plated Star of David Hoshen Menorah

A small menorah with gold plating decorated with the Hoshen Stones and a Star of David in the leg. Height: 4 inches | 10 cm

Item # : MN073

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  • Material:Gold Plated   - In Stock

Gold Plated Star of David Hoshen Menorah

A small, but elegant menorah meaningfully decorated with the Hoshen Stones (Priestly Breastplate) and a Star of David. Perfect for anyone who wants a small menorah to display. 

The menorah is a seven-branched candelabra and the oldest symbol of the Judaic faith. The design of this lampstand were given by God in Exodus 25:31-40. While most menorahs do not precisely follow the instructions in Exodus, the spirit of the design is in each menorah. 

Height: 4 inches | 10 cm

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