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Blessing from Jerusalem Pomegranate Anointing Oil

An anointing oil from the Holy City of Jerusalem, use to honor righteousness and health. It is scented with sweet citrus healthy scent of pomegranate Size: .4 fl oz | 12 ml

Item # : AO013P

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  • Scent:  Size:.33 oz   - In Stock

Blessing from Jerusalem Pomegranate Anointing Oil

Pomegranate is a fruit that is well represented Biblical. It is, of course, one of the Seven Species of Israel, but has also long been used as a symbol of health, longevity and good-deeds. The image of the pomegranate was woven into the High Priest's garment, adorned the pillar's of the first temple in Jerusalem and even formed the shape of King Solomon's crown. Additionally, it is said that the pomegranate contains 613 seeds which represent the 613 commandments of God.

Size: .4 fl oz | 12 ml

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