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Osem Natural Soup "Almonds"

These mini croutons are an Israeli staple! They are little yellow squares added to soup that never get soggy. Made with all natural ingredients (no nuts!, it's just the name) they are a great alternative to crackers. Two sizes available.

Item # : FD016

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  • Size:14.11 oz.   - In Stock
  • Size:3.5 oz   - In Stock

Osem Natural Soup Crystals

No food coloring. No Preservatives.

Osem soup almonds are a staple in any Israeli home. They are tiny yellow squares poured into soup to give the soup a little crunch. They don't get soggy like crackers and give your soup another dimension. The soup almonds are not made with almonds or any othey type of nut -- this is merely their name. They are called Shkedim Marak in Hebrew. They are made with all natural ingredients and very low in sugar.

All natural Ingredients: Wheat flour (contains gluten), vegetable oils, salt, turmeric extract

Large: 14.11 oz | 400 gr
Small: 3.5 oz | 100 gr

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