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The Baptism of Jesus Coloring Book with Crayons

A coloring book that will let your child bring the beautiful illustrations of the Baptism of Jesus to life with their own hand. Wonderful for home or Sabbath School. A set of 6 crayons is included.

Item # : TG206

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The Baptism of Jesus Coloring Book

This coloring book will help teach your children about the monumental event of the Baptism of Christ. As they color the beautful and inspiring illustrations, you can open a dialog about Baptism.

Qasr-al-Yahud is located on the road to Jericho from Jerusalem and numerous churches were built here over the centuries. The site is also significant in the Jewish tradition,as it is believed to be the place where the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan when they entered Canaan.

The area is amazingly beautiful, and the trail to the Jordan is very tranquil, like an oasis. The visitors' facilities have been given the utmost care, with clear access to the river,showers and facilities for prayer. It is also wheelchair-accessible.    

This version is a coloring book that will let your child bring the beautiful illustrations to
life with their own hand. A set of colored pencils is included.

A set of 6 crayons is included.

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