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Archangels Sterling Silver and 9k Gold Necklace

Sterling Silver rings with the names of the archangels in Hebrew with 9k gold Star of David. Diameter: 3/4 inch | 1.9 cm

Item # : KJ005

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  • Jewelry Type:Necklace   - In Stock

Archangels Sterling Silver and 9k Gold Necklace

Many believe the archangels site by our side to uplift and encourage our spirit. This lovely necklace is a tribute to the beauty of the archangels. The This beautiful and meaningful necklace will be an absolute treasure and charm in anyone's life! The outer sterling silver ring is inscribed in Hebrew with , ' On my right is Michael, on my left is Gabriel, before me is Uriel, behind me is Rafael' and on the inner silver ring is inscribed, ' and above me is the divine presence of God.' Inside the rings is a pretty 9k gold Star of David with one of the name's of God.

Diameter: 3/4 inch | 1.9 cm
Chain length: 19 inches | 50 cm

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