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Kiddush Cup. Tower of David. Silver Plated.

Kiddush Cup. Old City of Jerusalem Tower of David. Silver Plating.

Item # : WA2011

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  • Design:Jerusalem  Material:Silver Plated   - In Stock

Tower of David Kiddush Cup

Silver Plated.

Kiddush Cup decorated with the Tower of David and the Old City of Jerusalem.

An ideal cup to be used for Kiddush or as the Elijah's Cup during the Passover Seder.

Comes with a matching saucer. 

Height - 6 Inches / 15 cm

Traditionally the Kiddush Cup is filled with grape wine or grape juice and used during the blessing of the Sabbath and Holiday meals. During Passover the Kiddush Cup is used in honour of Elijah the Prophet. 

Kiddush means "sanctification" in Hebrew. The Kiddush is a blessing recited over wine or grape juice to sanctify the Sabbath, Jewish holiday or a Bat/Bar Mitzvah. The Kiddush does not have to be said in Hebrew. It is acceptable to say the Kiddush in any other language that everyone at the table understands.

The Kiddush in English: Blessed are you, O Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and has been pleased with us; in love and favor has given us His holy Sabbath as a heritage, a memorial of the creation – that day being also the first among the holy festivals, in remembrance of the exodus from Egypt. You have chosen us and hallowed us above all nations, and in love and favor hast given us thy holy Sabbath as a heritage. Blessed are you, O Lord, who sanctifies the Sabbath.

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