Devotional Books
Devotional Books and Bibles for Adults and Kids
The Lord has created the Universe through the power of His words. Jesus is called the “Word that became flesh.” And God’s primary means of communication is through His written Word which is the Bible. As you can see, God is very fond in using language to let His people know His will and plans in their lives. He uses it to mold our minds, captivate our hearts and direct our actions. God uses words to change our lives.
For this reason, it is absolutely important that we learn more about Him by reading the Bible. In addition to this, we can also use some Biblical reference books in order to deepen our understanding on what the Bible teaches us. By spending a few portion of our time in reading, we can improve our lives and gain more wisdom that we can use to live a life that is God-honoring and inspiring to other people.
The Bible is the written word of God. It contains all the commandments, promises and instructions of God to live a life that is according to His will. The original manuscript of the Bible is written in two major languages. The Old Testament is written in Hebrews, while the New Testament is mainly written in Greek.
It is important for a believer to have his own copy of the Bible. That is because in our present time, God communicates to us primarily in this medium. There are also a lot of Bibles to choose from, but one way to fully appreciate the texts is to have a copy that is written in the original language.
Biblical Reference Books
There are some teachings in the Bible that might be too hard to understand even for seasoned believers. Others might struggle to understand some terminologies and even imagine certain places that are mentioned in it. While some may have a hard time picturing some objects in the Bible like the Temple or the Tabernacle.
That is why having a few Biblical reference books might come in handy. These books will further augment your Bible reading experience and will give you a more complete perspective on what the Bible is saying about a specific thing, place or event.
Books for Believers
Do you want to learn more about the symbolisms use in the Jewish faith? Do you want to have an idea about the foods that are being prepared during Bible times? Do you want to have a deeper understanding about the Sea of Galilee? Then, reading books will help you to satisfy those desires.
There are various books for believers that tackle particular aspects of the Judeo-Christian faith. These books will definitely help you to further increase your knowledge on specific topics that will be instrumental in your growth as a believer.
Children’s Stories
Jesus displayed how he loves the little children. It is so important for believers to help their children have a clear understanding of their faith even while they are young. However, the problem is that the languages and stories in the Bible might be too difficult to comprehend for little children.
That is where you can use some children’s stories to help them gain more understanding about certain accounts in the Bible. These books are filled with colorful and engaging images that will greatly enhanced the kids experience with Bible stories.