Kids T-shirts
Instead of buying shirts that shows fictional superheroes and villains, you can consider gifting your kids with T-shirt that shows different animals from Noah’s ark. There are also designs where your kid can learn the different Aleph-beth, which is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Both kids and toddlers can have this cool shirt.
School Supplies
If your kid is already going to school, then try to give him a bag which expresses his respect for the nation of God which is Israel. To inspire you to have a deeper understanding of the nation of Israel, then there are pen, eraser, and notepad that shows maps and other significant landmark in the Holy Land.
You can also have an alarm clock, pencil case, drawing pads and other school stuffs that express your respect and love for the chosen nation of God. Helping your kids to grow with this kind of awareness will help them to have an idea about Israel.
Kids Holiday Shop
The Jewish people have a lot of festivals that are commanded in the Bible and even those that they created to celebrate the goodness of God in their land. Teach your kids the essence of thes festivals through different toys like plastic shofar set, purim noise maker and various plush toys that represents those important Festivals and holiday in the nation of Israel.