The Door Where it Began
The Door Where it Began by By Raymond Robert Fischer. A Biblical historical novel of Yeshua, Israel and the Early Church. 356 pages. Soft Cover.
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The Door Where it Began
A Novel of Yeshua, Israel and the Early Church
Raymond Robert Fischer
In his highly edifying and greatly entertaining fifth book, The Door Where it Began, the first written as an biblical historical novel, Bob Fischer explores and thoroughly documents the considerable Scriptural, historical and archeological evidence (both documented and anecdotal) that strongly supports his meticulously researched hypothesis:
Bob Fischer and his wife, Donna, have lived in Tiberias, Israel since they made Aliyah in 1992. Bob is a Messianic Jew; Donna is married into the covenant. Bob is a graduate of the University of Rochester, BA (1956) and Faith Seminary (MA, 1994, LHD, 2003). Bob is the author of three scholarly books: "The Messianic Seal of the Jerusalem Church", "The Children of God", "Full Circle" and an accredited DVD course, all of which are widely used as texts to teach the Jewish Roots of Christianity at seminary, bible college, church, and home levels. The Door Where it Began is his first novel. As an adjunct professor, Bob periodically teaches a course on Jewish Original of Christianity at Faith Seminary.
Bob and Donna are greatly blessed with three daughters: Robin, Cindy and Julie. They have been even further blessed with four grandchildren: Michele, Paul, Daniel and Adam.
Soft Cover
Pages: 356