With Jesus in Jerusalem: His First and Last Days in Judea
With Jesus in Jerusalem: His First and Last Days in Judea by Bargil Pixner. 184 Pages
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With Jesus in Jerusalem: His First and Last Days in Judea
Bargil Pixner
The author Fr. Bargil Pixner is a Benedictine monk of the Dominion Abbey in Jerusalem. He has lived in Israel for a quarter of a century, half of it at the Sea of Galilee. Among his many activities, he is responsible for introducing the Dominion Abbey's theology students -- Catholic and Protestant -- to archeology and Biblical topography.
Who was responsible for Jesus' death?
Recent excavations and discoveries shed new light on contemporary groups such as Natzoreans, Essenes, Pharisees and Sadducees and provide us with new understanding of the life around Jesus.
A special endeavor of the author and his community is the attempt to redefine and renew the relationship between Christians and Jews, based on tolerance and an understanding founded on knowledge of the historical and spiritual background of Jesus' time. They deliberately decided to have this book edited and published by an Israeli publisher. This reflects a new approach that allows Jews to see Jesus as a teacher and preacher, a son of their own people, and Christians to view the Jewish people in a new spirit of openess. Still, this book is a Christian interpretation of the life of Jesus.
Soft Cover
Available in English or Spanish
184 Pages