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Myrrh Anointing Oil

Myrrh Anointing Oil by Ein Gedi, 7.5 ml | 0.25 fl. oz.

Item # : AO002M

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  • Scent:Myrrh   - In Stock

Ein Gedi Myrrh Anointing Oil

Myrrh is a bitter-tasting, highly aromatic fragrant gum resin that is obtained from the family of Burseraceae trees.  It was one of the gifts of the wise men gave to Jesus when he was born, "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh." Matthew 2:11.    Myrrh anointing oil symbolizes Christ's human nature, the suffering Savior and His crucifixion. Using the oil of myrrh references Jesus' sacrifice and grace for all His Believers.   7.5 ml | 0.25 fl. oz.

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