T-Shirts and Sweatshirts

Wearable Support of Israel
The Scripture is considered by Christians as the inerrant Word of God. It is filled with God’s promises of blessings, instructions for daily living and the accounts of how God divinely intervened in history.
Though most of the contents of the Bible centered on those things, there are still particular Bible verses where minor topics about our daily lives were discussed, including the prescribed clothes to wear. Few of these concepts are highly related to the cultural lives of the people in the Bible and might not be relevant to the modern world.
Still, we should live our lives in a way that will bring glory to God, even in the clothes we wear. And one of the best ways to do that is to wear shirts that directly exults His Name!
Children and Babies Clothings
Most kids today love their favourite cartoons or heroes printed on their shirts. However, some of these characters promote violence, immorality, or even idolatry. So, instead of letting them wear those shirts, you can choose to let them wear those shirts that will teach them good values, education, and even love for God.
Babies and children can wear clothes that celebrate the greatness of God through His creations such as the variety of animals. There are also shirts printed with Israel, the map of the Holy Land and even encouraging phrases about God.
Adult T-shirts
Adults can also take part in celebrating God’s goodness to His people, Israel, through various shirts and apparel. There are also pictures of animal that can be found in Israel, such as camels, rams and lambs. There are also shirts for both men and women emblazoned by different symbols of faith like the Menorah, the Messianic symbol, and the Ichthys.
The Nature Collection T-shirts by Walter Ferguson
Walter Ferguson is an artist who lives in a small village in Israel called BeitYanai. He is an accomplished artist and is also known to produce work of arts that are being printed on shirts and called Nature Collection.
There are shirts with printed animals which can be found in the Holy Land. Creatures whether in land, in air or marine are printed on T-shirts including the national bird of Israel called Hoopoe.
Adult Sweatshirts
If you prefer to wear hooded sweatshirts then there are a variety of sweatshirts available to express your support to the Holy Land and to its citizens. You can choose between sweatshirts that are emblazoned with the Israeli flag, the Israel’s secret service, Mossad, and the insignia of the Army of Israel. Wearing these sweatshirts will signify your support to protect the country chosen by God from the beginning.